CAT Exam

A man, while driving to his office, finds three traffic signals on his way. The probability that the traffic light is red when he reaches the first, second and third traffic signal is 5/8, 5/6 and 3/5 respectively. What is the probability that he finds at least one traffic light on his way which is not red?

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CAT Other Question

Only one of the highlighted words labelled A and B fits meaningfully in the context. Choose the correct combination from the options that would give a set of meaningful sentences in 1 to 4.

I. Though scientific, the nature of Sigmund Freud’s work has been seriously impugned (A)/ maligned (B).
II. Her coiffeur (A)/ coiffure (B) cost her lot of money and time.
III. A foment (A)/ ferment (B) of resentment arose among the students when the fee increase was announced.
IV. Scientists found homogenous (A)/ homogeneous (B) structures in birds and ancient reptiles


In a ballot process, 900 votes more were polled in favour of a resolution than were polled against it. It was also noticed that the number of votes polled against the resolution was 30 percent of the total number of votes polled. If all the votes polled were valid and each vote was either in favour of the resolution or against it, find the total number of votes polled.