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What are the 3 numbers whose product is a prime number.And difference of first two number is equal to difference of second and third?

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UPSC Other Question

Read the Following passage and answer the three questions that follow:

A, B, C, D, E are members of the same family. There are two fathers, two sons, two wives, three males and two females. The teacher was the wife of a lawyer who was the son of a doctor. E is not a male, neither also a wife of a professional. C is the youngest person in the family and D is the oldest.

Q1.How is D related to E?

(A) Husband

(B) Son

(C) Father

(D) Wife

(E) None of these

Q2.Who are the females in the group?

(A) C and E

(B) C and D

(C) E and A

(D) D and E

(E) A and B

Q3.Whose wife is the teacher?

(A) C

(B) D

(C) A

(D) B

(E) None of these
Complete the series
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