HCL Company Verbal Ability Sentence Arrangement

1) My Uncle,
(6) for this purpose.
(P) that have been built in the country districts of India
(Q) camping out in the Inspection Bungalows
(R) who is a Government engineer
(S) frequently has to stay for several days in very remote places,
(a) S R Q P (b) R S Q P (c) R Q S P (d) R S P Q

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HCL Other Question

) S1: Rahul has been trying to lose weight.
S6: I think it is just a lame excuse for his laziness.
P: As regular morning walk keeps our body fit and healthy.
Q: The trainer has suggested him to start with regular morning walk.
R: He has not yet started his daily walk.
S: He says that because of late night work, it is hard for him to get up early
(a) PRSQ (b) QPRS (c) RQPS (d) SQRP

The largest four digit number which is a multiple of 8, 10,12 and 15 is: