TCS Company

The base address of a 2-D integer array NUMS of dimension 5*7 is 3000.
What will be the address of element NUMS[3][6], if array indices start from 0 and each integer takes two bytes.

a) 3056 b) 3038 c) 3054 d) 3036

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TCS Other Question

Given a collection of points P in a plane and a point Q in another plain,
which is equidistant from all point in P, which of the following are necessarily true?

A. The points in P lie on a circle.

B. If all these points are met to each other by line segments, all segments will be on outer surface of an imaginary right circular cone.

A and B
Neither A nor B
B only
A only
If 3y+x=2 and x+2y-1