Numerical Ability
Number System
A number has exactly 3 prime factors, 125 factors of this number are perfect squares and 27 factors of this number are perfect cubes. overall how many factors does the number have???
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- As it is given no has three prime factors....
so we may consider it as N=(A^p)(B^q)(C^r)
now total no of factors of this no is
and no of square factors =([p/2] +1)([q/2] +1)([r/2] +1)
and no of cubic factors =([p]/3 +1)([q]/3 +1)([r]/3 +1)
but it is given that the no has 125 square factors i.e
([p/2] +1)([q/2] +1)([r/2] +1)=125
=> [p/2]=4.....[r/2]=4
=> p=8,q=8 nd r=8
similarly for cubic factor
([p/3] +1)([q/3] +1)([r/3] +1)=27
[p/3]+1=3,[q/3]+1=3 nd [r/2]+1=3
=> [p/3]=2=[q/3]=[r/3]
possible values of p,q,r will be 6,7 or 8
now total no of factors =(8+1)(8+1)(8+1)=729
hence answer is 729
Note:here [X ] means greatest intigr value , either equal to or less than X. - 12 years agoHelpfull: Yes(52) No(6)
- Answer for this question is 729
the explanation goes like this
Let a,b,c be three prime no.
since the no. of perfect square as a factor is 125
which can only be if every prime no. has power in the multiple of 2 including zeros(bcoz any no. to the power of zero is a perfect square)
so power must be 0,2,4,6,8
thereby 5*5*5=125
Since no. of cube as a factor is 27
therefore power in the prime no. will be in the multiple of 3
so power are 0,3,6
hence the no. N=a^8*b^8*c^8
hence total no. of factor is (8+1)(8+1)(8+1)=729 - 12 years agoHelpfull: Yes(22) No(37)
- unable to understand
- 12 years agoHelpfull: Yes(17) No(2)
- 125*2=250
3 prime factor= 5 factor 1 and no it self
336 - 12 years agoHelpfull: Yes(4) No(23)
- hey akash i am unable to understand your logic can u be more clear
- 12 years agoHelpfull: Yes(2) No(1)
- send that ans clearly
- 12 years agoHelpfull: Yes(0) No(2)
- kck plz xplain me the solution..
- 10 years agoHelpfull: Yes(0) No(0)
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