Accenture Company Numerical Ability Percentage

An exhibition was conducted for 4 weeks. The number of tickets sold in 2nd workweek was increased by 20% and increased by 16% in the 3rd workweek but decreased by 20% in the 4th workweek. Find the number of tickets sold in the beginning, if 1392 tickets were sold in the last week

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Accenture Other Question

Let 13 and 273 are the HCF and LCM of two numbers respectively, and if one of them is less than 140 and greater than 60 then what will be that number? The cost of two varieties of paint is Rs.3969 per 2 kg and Rs.1369 per 2 kg respectively. After how many years will the value of both paint be the same, if variety1 appreciates at 26% per annum and variety2 depreciates at 26% per annum?