TCS Company

A 120 wire cable has been laid firmly undergr ound between two t elepho ne
exchanges located 10k m apart.
Unfortunately after the c able was laid it was discovered to be the wro ng type, the
problem is the individual wir es are not labelled. There is no visual way of knowing
whic h wire is whic h and thus co nnections at eit her end is not immediat ely possible.
You are a trainee technician and your boss has asked yo u to identify and label the
wires at both ends witho ut ripping it all up. You have no transpo rt and only a batt ery
and light bulb to test co ntinuity. You do have tape and pen for labelling the wires.
What is t he shortest dist anc e in k ilo met res you will need to walk to co rr ectly identify
and label each wir e?
(a) 17 (b) 15 (c) 10 (d) 20

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TCS Other Question

A bo x co ntains 2 white balls 3 blac k balls and 4 red balls. I n how many ways can 3
balls be drawn fro m the box , if at least one blac k ball is to be included in the draw ?
c lock loses 1% time during the first w eek and then gains 2% time dur ing the next one
week. If the clock was set right at 12 noon on a Sunday, w hat will be the time that the
c lock will show exactly 14 days fro m the time it was set right?
(a) 1: 36: 48 (b) 1: 40: 48 (c) 1: 41: 24 (d) 10: 19: 12