Numerical Ability
Clocks and Calendars
In a particular year the month of january had exactly 4 thursdays and 4 sundays , on which day of the weekk, jan 1 occurs?
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- as there are 4 fulls weeks i.e 28 days..
so..every day occurs min 4 times.
den remaining 3 days (as jan has 31 days) will be monday tuesday wednesday.
so on 31st jan comes wednesday.
so 1st jan ll be MoNDAY - 12 years agoHelpfull: Yes(44) No(4)
- Mon 1 8 15 22 29
Tues 2 9 16 23 30
Wed 3 10 17 24 31
Thr 4 11 16 25 --------> 4 Thrusdays
Fri 5 12 19 26
Sat 6 13 20 27
Sun 7 14 21 28 -------> 4 sundays
if 1st starts on tuesday den 5 thrusday s
if 1st strts on friday den 5 saturdays.......! therefore
ans is MONDAY - 10 years agoHelpfull: Yes(18) No(0)
- pls explain am not able to get it
- 12 years agoHelpfull: Yes(8) No(5)
- 4 Thursdays and 4 sundays only there in the month.
so , if the month starts with Thursday or sunday it leads to 5 days in that month. so it cant be sunday or Thursday.
If it starts with Monday - then it will be 4 full weeks (4 *7=28 days).
again 5 th cycle - Monday,tuesday , Wednesday = (28 +3 days = 31 days )
- 10 years agoHelpfull: Yes(7) No(0)
- ans is monday...
Because, if we put other days for jan 1. we cant get 4 thursday and sunday. - 10 years agoHelpfull: Yes(4) No(0)
- From the given data answer could not be either sunday or thursday
because if
jan 1st is sunday we get
jan 8 is sun
jan 15 is sun
jan 22 is sun
jan 29 is sun
so we will get 5 sun which is wrong as per the question
if this process is applied to all the days of a week we get 4 sun and 4 thu when we start jan 1st with monday - 9 years agoHelpfull: Yes(2) No(0)
- monday
becoz in a year if exactly four sunday and 4 thursday
then jan 1 must be monday - 9 years agoHelpfull: Yes(0) No(0)
- excelent tanisha
- 9 years agoHelpfull: Yes(0) No(0)
- i think 1 is monday
- 9 years agoHelpfull: Yes(0) No(0)
- ans is tuesday
- 8 years agoHelpfull: Yes(0) No(6)
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