TCS Company

in a city hub there are 4 people ;avinit,bikash,chandan,debjit.they r nt necessarily in same order,are doctr,teacher,painter,actor.avinit and the teacher never spoke to chandan.Bikash and actor were very good frendz.The painter was frendz with Debjit and the actor.

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TCS Other Question

a,band c can do some work in 36 days a and b together do twice as much work as c.a and c together do thrice as much work as b.eind time taken by c alone to do complete work

A sequence x1,x2,x3…. Is said to be in harmonic progression if the reciprocals 1/x1,1/x2,1/x3… are in arithmetic progression. The 5th and 7th term for harmonic progression are 30 and 50 respectively what is difference between 6th and 4th term ?