TCS Company

Ten people form a circle.Each one think of a number and whisper it to the two neighbors adjacent to her in the circle.Then each person computes and announces the average of the numbers sher heard from her two neighbors.The number announced by the person are 44,12,23,27,40,46,56,61,69,36.What was number picked by person who announced the avg 56???

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TCS Other Question

In family of Five persons A,B,C,D and E.Everyone loves one another.Their Birthdays are in different months and different dates. A rembers that his birthday is between 25th and 30th,of B it is between 20th and 25yh,of C it is between 10th and 20th,of D it is between 5th and 10th of E it is between 1st to 5th of the month.The sum of date of birth is defined as the addition of date and month,for example 12th jan will be written as 12/1 and will add to sum of the date of 13.(Betwwen 25th and 30th includes both 25 and 30).What may be the max avg of their sum of the birthdate???
The above sequence contains su m of distinct power of 7 in increasing order(7^0,7^1,7^1+7^0,7^2 etc.)What is value of term number 38 ?