mock tests Company Category

5. Captain Ace Parrot & his crew (in all 10 members) just came back after destroying a ship & looting it. The total Amount they could make from whole of the ship was 100 very precious gems. Since the amount was quite large they all revolted against their captain. But Captain was very cunning. He came with a settlement for the distribution of the loot. According to him each & every pirate will present one by one his scheme for the distribution of gems. Then there will be a voting in favor of or against the scheme.
If number of votes against a scheme is greater than number of votes in favor then the person who proposed the scheme will be thrown out of the ship for sharks. Vote of the person proposing the scheme will be counted in favor of his scheme.
Then the next one (seniority wise) will come & present his scheme .The trend will continue unless someone’s scheme gets an approval.
Captain Ace Parrot gets the first chance (Being the senior most).
Now what should be his distribution scheme (for gems looted) so that he gets the maximum possible share for him & he is obviously not thrown out of the ship.
Each & every pirate is intelligent (cunning I should say) enough to work out that how many gems he can get out of the all without getting kicked off the ship.
Remember once again that there are 10 members including the Captain.

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mock tests Other Question