Logical Reasoning
Number Series
302th of 1st year is saturday. What is the 15th day of 5th Year ?
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- 302 th of 1st year is ending day in first year is also saturaday.(365-302=63 no of odd day is ending day also saturday.) therefore 2nd year 1st day is sunday.similarly 3rd year and 4th year is monday and tuesday.5th year starting day is thursday because 4th year is leap year.therefoe 15 of 5th year is friday.
- 10 years agoHelpfull: Yes(15) No(7)
- ans: thursday
1st year remaining days: 365-302= 63 + 1 (including 302nd day)= 64 days
2nd year= 365 days
3rd year= 365 days
4th year= 366 days (leap year)
5th year= 15 days
so total days = 64+365+365+366+15= 1175 days
now 1175/7= 167 weeks and 6 days
so 6th day starting from saturday is thursday.
- 10 years agoHelpfull: Yes(8) No(0)
- 63 +15+3+1(leap)/7=5 odd
... thursday - 10 years agoHelpfull: Yes(6) No(1)
- 302 day in a year means OCT 29 (if its not a leap year) so in the year 2011 OCT 29th was Saturday (which is given in our question ) after 5 years i.e., 2015 -15th day is Thursday (according to our calender)
- 10 years agoHelpfull: Yes(3) No(0)
- 365-302=63
last day of 1st year is saturday . 2nd year first day=sunday
3rd year first day =monday
4th year first day =tuesday
5th year (followed by leap year who having 2 odd days at end )= thrusday
15/7= 1 . now remainder 1 for thrusday is friday
hence Friday is correct - 10 years agoHelpfull: Yes(3) No(5)
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- 10 years agoHelpfull: Yes(1) No(0)
- 302 th of 1st year is ending day in first year is also saturaday.(no of odd day is ending day also saturday.) therefore 2nd year 1st day is sunday.similarly 3rd year and 4th year is monday and tuesday.5th year starting day is wednesday and because 4th year is leap year.therefoe 15 of 5th year is wednesday
365-302=63/7= 0 odd days last day = saturaday
2nd year 1st day sunday
3rd year 1 st day monday
4th year 1 st day tuesday
5th year 1st day wednesday and 15th day also wednesday - 10 years agoHelpfull: Yes(0) No(3)
- 1st year no of odd days= 0 ( simple divide by 7 and get remainder)
2nd yr= 1(remember normal year has 1 odd day )
3rd yr= 1
4th yr =2 (remember leap year has 2 odd days)
5th yr =1 (divide by 7)
Total =5
Then count from saturday. Its thursday = sat dy +5 - 8 years agoHelpfull: Yes(0) No(0)
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