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how many polynamoial functions of degree >=1 can be formed in such a way that the function satisfies this condition f(x^2) = (f(x))(f(x)) = f(f(x))
a) 2
b) 0
c) 1
d) more than 2

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TCS Other Question

Ram wants to visit 5 places like c, b, m, d, k. he will visit atleast 3 places in one trip and c will be visited in every trip. If visiting different places is considered as different trips then how many ways can he go trips. there is a race between A, E, F, G. A said "i didnt finish 1st and 4th" E said "i didnt finish 4th" F said "i finished 1st" G said "i finished 4th". If exactly 3 of them are telling truth, then who finished 4th?