TCS Company Numerical Ability Quadratic Equations

. If P(x) = ax4+bx3+cx2+dx+e has roots at x = 1, 2, 3, 4 and P(0) = 48, what is P(5)

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TCS Other Question

For any two numbers we define an operation $ yielding
another number, X $ Y such that following condition holds:
· X $ X = 0 for all X
· X $ (Y $ Z) = X $ Y + Z
Find the Value of 2012 $ 0 + 2012 $ 1912
o 2112
o 100
o 5936
o Can not be determined
A can solve 90% of the problems given in a book and B solve 70%. What is the probability that at least one of them will solve a problem selected at random from the book?