TCS Company Numerical Ability Sequence and Series

the sum of 2nd and 19th term of A.P. is equal to the sum of 8th , 15th and 12 th term . find the term which is 0

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TCS Other Question

In the reading room of a library, there are 23 reading spots. Each reading spot
consists of a round table with 9 chairs placed around it. There are some readers such
that in each occupied reading spot there are different numbers of readers. If in all there
are 36 readers, how many reading spots do not have even a single reader?
a) 8 b) none c) 16 d)15
a series is given as

A 1 9

B 2 8 10

C 3 7 11

D 4 6 12

E 5 13

which char come at 2014th position.

My Answer is D