TCS Company

A 10 digit positive number is said to be a“LearnHub”number if its digits are alldistinct and it is a multiple of 11111. Howmany “LearnHub” numbers are there?

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TCS Other Question

this is about the resoning sections where one 4 couples are there and in how many ways they can cross the river ans is 16
and there some questions based on reasoning where 4 people choose numbers here the answer is the ""person saying i dont have the highest number generally a name comes called easha"" and a pairing question where h and l is a pair and g and m is a pair so u have 4 choices by this rule u can rule out three option and the remainng one left is something starts with G.... as rest three option starts with F.... so G.... is the answer
Find the number of ordered triplets (a, b, c)
of positive integers for which LCM (a, b)
=1000, LCM (b, c) = 2000 and LCM (c, a) =