Elitmus Exam Logical Reasoning Decision Making and Problem Solving

Audi , bmw , ferrari and mustang were running in a race. Audi and bmw cover 80 km in 1hour when ferrari and mustang just reached to the tower. Ferraris engine became hot so it take a rest of 1 hour at tower while mustangs engine was also hot but it didnt stop and reduces its speed to recover. Bmw also slowed down but audi maintained its speed..... audi reached the finishing line 30 minute early than bmw and ferrari was 50 km behind the finishing line at that time..
Now answer this question..
1) what is the distance between starting point and tower?
a)40 km b)50 km c)30 km d) cannot be determined

2) what is the total length of the track
a) 160 km b)120 km c) 130 km d) cannot be determined

This question was asked in elitmus on 22nd feb

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