In a 1500 race, Tinu beats Minu by 150 m and in the same race Minu beats Rinu by 75 m. by what distance does Tinu beat Rinu?
a) 210.5 m
b) 217.5 m
c) 213.5 m
d) 225 m
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- --------------------Rinu(1275m)-----------minu(1350m)---------tinu(1500m)
Tinu beat Rin by 150+75=225m - 10 years agoHelpfull: Yes(17) No(5)
- 217.5m will b the ans
- 10 years agoHelpfull: Yes(8) No(4)
- b) 217.5
A : B = 1500 : 1350
B : C = 1500 : 1425
A : C =(A/B) * (B/C)
= (1500/1350) * (1500/1425)
= (10/9) * (1500/1425)
=> ( 10*1500 : 1425*9)
= 1500 : 1425 *(9/10)
= 1500 : 1282.5
A beats C by (1500 - 1282.5) m = 217.5 m. - 9 years agoHelpfull: Yes(5) No(0)
- D) AS per qus > T/M=1500/1350 & M/R=1350/1275 thn T/R=T/M*M/R >> 1500-1275=225meter
whr , T,M,R=tinu,minu,rinu - 10 years agoHelpfull: Yes(4) No(2)
- ans is 217.5
ratio of speed b/w tinu minu and rinu respectively-200:180:171
diff b/w tinu &minu speed in ratio 20 parts
diff in ratio b/w minu&rinu=29 prts
20parts=150 (given)
then 29 parts=217.5
only sol.... - 10 years agoHelpfull: Yes(1) No(0)
- Tinu beats Rinu by (150+75)=225m.
Answer: d) 225 m - 5 Months agoHelpfull: Yes(0) No(0)
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