TCS Company

at a news channel,there are a total of 10 sports reader,10 tables and 4 chairs per table.each table has different number of many tables shall be empty

Read Solution (Total 10)

TCS Other Question

1. Jain housing complex has a democratically elected governing council comprising of the president, secretary and the treasurer. During their annual meeting,they take up 3 different initiatives for discussion and voting, namely, painting of exteriors, 24 hour security, and additional water tank. They vote as below

• Each member of the council votes for at least one of the initiatives and against at least of the initiatives
• Exactly two members of the council votes for the painting initiatives
• Exactly one member of the council vote for the security initiatives
• Exactly one member of the council vote for the water tank initiatives
• The president votes for the painting initiative and votes against security initiative
• Security votes against painting initiative
• Treasurer votes against water tank initiative
Which one of the following statement could be true?
N is an integer and N>2 at most how many integers among N+2, N+3,N+4,N+5,N+6 and N+7 are prime integers