Others Maths Puzzle

Two people on cycle are traveling at 10 miles / hour in opposite direction. When they are at a distance of 50 miles, a housefly lands on the first cyclist and then flies to the other at a speed of 16 miles/hour. What is the distance covered by fly?

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Others Other Question

3 types of chickens: Baby chickens cost 5 cents, hen chickens cost 3 dollares, rooster chickens cost 5 dollars. Buy 100 chickens for 100 dollars.How many will you have from each? Notwithstanding all the struggle and strife looming large, the kings in this region never seem to care less for they never would give a second of their entertainment. In Phrygia for example, a game borrowed from the kings of India, involved the use of women as pieces of the board game. The board was triangular and had n points in the nth line. The women had to be placed such that no two “queens” attacked each other, the same way they would if they were on a chess board (straight and diagonally).
Let g(n) = max no. of queens that could be placed on the n-triangle such that no two queens attacked each other.
Your task is to find the sum of g(n) for 2