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3. In a city 100% votes are registered, in which 60% vote for congress and 40% vote for BJP. There is a person A, who gets 75% of congress
votes and 8% of BJP votes. How many votes got by A?

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TCS Other Question

there is conical tent in which 10 persons can stand. Each person need 6m square to stand and 60m cube air to breath. what is the height of tent? 5. A and B start from house at 10am. They travel fro their house on the MG road at 20kmph and 40 kmph. there is a Junction T on their path. A
turns left at T junction at 12:00 noon, B reaches T earlier, and turns right. Both of them continue to travel till 2pm. What is the distance between
A and B at 2 pm.