TCS Company

The letters in the word ABHAY are permutted in all possible ways and arranged in alphabetical order (as in dictionary) then find the word at 49th position.

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TCS Other Question

.X is 6 years younger to Y. X's father is a businessman who invested 10000 at 8% rate of interest and obtained his amount after 10 years. Y's father is a job holder who invested around 20000 at 2% rate and obtained his amount after 20 years. Now compounding, both of them get around Rs. A. After 5 years, the ratio of ages of X and Y is 1:2. Now X's father is 20 years older to Y and Y's father is 30 years more than X. After 20 years, again X's mother asks X's father to purchase a LCD TV which costs around 45000. What is the age of X and Y together?
(a) 12
(b) 8
(c) 18
(d) 6

Q. f the taxi fare is Rs. 1.00 for the first 1/5 mile and Rs. 0.20 for each 1/5 mile thereafter. The taxi fare for a 3 miles ride is