3i-Infotech Company Verbal Ability Spotting Errors

Q. Ram is standing to the right of Sita. Kaushalya is standing on the opposite side of Sita. Since the opposite of right is wrong, Kaushalya must be standing on the wrong side of Ram. Which of the following logical errors has the author of the argument above committed?

A. He has used a single term to mean two different things
B. He has confused cause & effect
C. He has assumed to be true what he wants to prove to be true
D. He has provided no factual evidence for his conclusion
E. He has drawn a general conclusion from an insufficient number of examples.

Read Solution (Total 4)

3i-Infotech Other Question

Q. At a formal dinner for eight; the host & hostesses are seated at opposite ends of a rectangular table. with three persons along each side. Each man must be seated next to at least one Woman and vice-versa. Allan is opposite Di!1nne, who is not the hostess George has' a woman on his right and is opposite a woman Helga is at the hostess's right, next to Frank One person is seated between Belinda & Carol.

Q 1 Eric is the eighth person present. Eric must be :
I. the host II. seated to. Diane's right III. seated opposite Carol
A) I onIy
B) III only
C) I & II only

Q 2 If each person is placed directly opposite his or her spouse, which of the following pairs must be married?
A. George & Helga
B. Belinda & Frank
C. Carol & Frank
D. George & Belinda
E. Eric & Helga

Q 3 Which person cannot be seated next to a person of the same sex?
A. Allan
B. Belinda
C. Carol
D. Diane
E. Eric
Q. Profit earned by selling an article for rs 1060 is 20% more than the loss incurred by selling the article for rs 1280.At what price should article be sold to make 25 % profit?

NOTE :(Please give details explanation and formulas used )