Athenahealth Company Numerical Ability Complex Numbers

11.A vendor purchases binder clips at 12 for rs60.How many clips should he sell for rs60 to earn a profit of 20%?
a. 5 b.8 c.6 d.10

12.I was facing west.I turned 125 degree in the clockwise direction and 10degree in the anticlockwise direction.Which direction am i facing now?
a. north-west b.east c. borth d. north-east

13.What is the value of(a,y) in (13^-20-a*13^y)=168*13^-22?
a.(1,2) b.(0,1) c.-1,2) c.(-1,22) d.(1,-22)

Read Solution (Total 12)

Athenahealth Other Question

7. the largest measuring cylinder that can accurately fill 3 tanks of capacity 98,182 and 266 litres each, is of capacity:
a. 2litres b. 7litres c. 14litres d. 98litres

8. in a scheme, a pack of three soaps with mrp rs45 is available for rs42. if it still gives a profit of 5% to the shopkeeper,then the cost price of the pack is:
a. rs40 b. rs37 c. rs41 d. rs35

9.An air conditioner can coo the hall in 40 miutes while another takes 45 minutes to cool under similar conditions. if both air conditioners are switched on at same instance then how long will it take to cool the room?
a. about 22 minutes b. about 20 minutes c. about 30 minutes d. about 25 minutes

10.A man sells 12 candies for rs12 and loses rs 2.40. if he sells 12 candies for rs 16. how much does he gain or loss?
a. gain rs4 b. loses rs6 c. gain rs6.40
d. loses rs 1.60 e. gains rs1.60
7.He .... the position of group leader because of his effective leadership skills.
a.Got b.Get c.Gotten d.Getting

8.She has lived in Chennai since she was eight
a.Lived b.has been living
c.had stayed d.Is living