MBA Exam

The average of n numbers is 4. If a number x is added, the average increases to 7. Find x in terms of n. (1) n - 4(2) 2n + 7(3) 3n + 7(4) n + 21

1) 1
2) 2
3) 3
4) 4

Read Solution (Total 2)

MBA Other Question

The amount of work in a factory has increased by 75%.The management provides special training to the workers and their producitivity increases by 25%.What should be the percentage increase in the number of workers required to meet the total work load,assuming that all the new workers are also provided the training?

1) 30%
2) 40%
3) 50%
4) 60%
5) none aff thesee
In a class of 'x' students, if 4 boys are replaced with 4 girls, the ratio of the boys to girls in the class becomes 1:2. On the contrary, if 6 girls are replaced with 6 boys, the ratio of boys to girls becomes equal. What is the present percentage of boys in the class?

1) 40
2) 33.33
3) 44.44
4) 37.5