MBA Exam

The question contains some information followed by two quantities one in column I and one in column II. Compare the quantity in column I with the quantity in column II.

1) If the quantity in column I is greater than the quantity in column II.
2) If the quantity in column II is greater than the quantity in column I.
3) If the quantity in column I is equal to the quantity in column II.
4) If the relation between the quantity in column I and column II cannot be determined.
5) If the quantity in column I is greater than or equal to the quantity in column II.

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MBA Other Question

The total cost of 2 pencils, 5 erasers and 7 sharpeners is Rs.30, while 3 pencils and 5 sharpeners cost Rs.15 more than 6 erasers. By what amount (in Rs.) does the cost of 39 erasers and 1 sharpenerexceed the cost of 6 pencils?(1) 20 (2) 30 (3) It does not exceed (4) Cannot be determined

1) 1
2) 2
3) 3
4) 4

1) 1
2) 2
3) 3
4) 4