MBA Exam

ABC is a right angled isosceles triangle, right angled at C. D is midpoint of AB.If a point X is chosen randomly on the perpendicular sides of ABC, what is the probablity that 4*DX > sqrt(5)*BC ? (please write the approach too)

1) 1/3
2) 1/1.414
3) .5
4) .25

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MBA Other Question

How many 5 digit numbers are divisible by 3 and contain digit 6?

1) 7499
2) 8776
3) 12503
4) None of the above.
Four friends - Arjan, Bhuvan, Guran and Lakha were comparing the number of sheep that they owned. It was found that Guran had ten more sheep than Lakha. If Arjan gave one-third to Bhuvan, and Bhuvan gave a quarter of what he then held to Guran, who then passed on a fifth of his holding to Lakha, they would all have an equal number of sheep. How many sheep did each of them possess? Give the minimal possible answer

1) 80,50,55,45
2) 90,50,55,45
3) 90,40,55,45
4) 90,50,50,45