MBA Exam

A two digits no. exceeds by 19 the sum of the squares of its digits and by 44 the double product of its digits.Find the no.

1) 72
2) 62
3) 22
4) 12
5) 15

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MBA Other Question

A and S walk up an escalator. The escalator moves at a constant speed A
takes 9 steps for every 16 of S's steps. A gets to the top of the
escalator after having taken 30 steps while S, because of his faster
pace, ends up taking 40 steps to reach the top. If the escalator was
turned off, how many steps wud they have to take to walk up?

1) 75
2) 70
3) 50
4) 65
A large cube is formed bystacking 27 unit cubes. A plane is perpendicular to one of the internal diagonals of the large cube and bisects that diagonal. The number of unit cubes that the plane intersects is

1) 13
2) 15
3) 18
4) 19