MBA Exam

If the first term of an A.P is 40 and the sum of the fist seven terms is equal to one-fourth of the sum of the next three terms,then which term is the first negative term of the progreesion?

1) 5th
2) 3rd
3) 8th
4) 4th

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MBA Other Question

a square piece of side 10 cm has got all its corners cut in the shape of square .then the sides are folded to form an open box.what is the max volume of the box.(all values are integer values)

1) 72
2) 64
3) 36
4) 80
A man, having $2 in his pocket, goes to play his favourite game at a casino. The entry fee for the game is $1. If he wins he gets $2 back whereas if he loses he gets nothing. He plays the game multiple times. He does not lose more than twice and leaves the casino as soon as he has $4 in his pocket. How many different Win-Loss sequences are possible for him?

1) 19
2) 7
3) 8
4) 20