self Maths Puzzle Numerical Ability Percentage

A number is mistakenly divided by 5 instead of being multiplied by 5. Find the percentage change in the result due t this mistake.

(a)96% (b)95% (c)2400% (d)200%

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self Other Question

A school having four classes only have student strength of 10, 20, 30 and 40 respectively. The pass percentages of these classes are 20%, 30%, 60% and 100% respectively. What is the pass percentage for the entire school?

(a)56% (b)76% (c)34% (d)66%
The entrance ticket at the Inox theatre in Chennai is worth Rs 250. The sale of tickets increased by 50% when the price of the ticket was lowered. However, the collections recorded a decrease of 17.5%. The price of the ticket is reduced by how much rupees?

(a)Rs150 (b)Rs112.50 (c)Rs105 (d)Rs120