MBA Exam

A is lost in a city which has roads in the form of a 7 × 6 grid as shown in the figure. He has toreach B who is at the diagonally opposite end of the city. All routes from one node to another are equidistant. In how many ways can he travel to meet B given that he takes the shortest path?

1) 42
2) 56
3) 462
4) 1716

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MBA Other Question

if the sum of the sides of a triangle is 72. if two of the medians of this triangle are perpendicular, then find the sum of the squares of the lengths of these medians.

1) 24
2) 18
3) 27
4) CBD
If f(x) = f(x-2) – f(x-1), x is a natural number, f(1) = 0 and f(2) = 1.Find the value of f[f(6)] ?Based on the information given below and answer the following question.

1) 5
2) -1
3) -3
4) -2