MBA Exam

solve this question.............2+3*2

1) 10
2) 8
3) 7
4) 12

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MBA Other Question

If f(x) = f(x-2) – f(x-1), x is a natural number, f(1) = 0 and f(2) = 1.Find the value of f[f(6)] ?Based on the information given below and answer the following question.

1) 5
2) -1
3) -3
4) -2
Akhil took a loan of र10,000 from Bharat at a simple interest rate of 10% per annum. Three people Pasha, Quadir and Robert approached him for a loan, offering to pay 7%, 8% and 12% simple interest per annum respectively. Akhil lent the money in such a way that he will make a profit of 1% on the borrowed sum per year, what is the maximum possible sum that he might have lent to Robert?

1) 7000
2) 7500
3) 8000
4) 8500