MBA Exam

Find the remainder when the sum 2^100+2^200+2^300..+...+..2^10000 is divided by 7

1) 0
2) 2
3) 1
4) 6
5) None of these.

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MBA Other Question

Let n! = 1 × 2 × 3 × … × n for integer n ≥ 1. If p = 1! + (2 × 2!) + (3 × 3!) + … + (10 × 10!), then p+2 when divided by 11! leaves a remainder of ....

1) 10
2) 0
3) 7
4) 1
two trains of length 110 metres and 90 metres are running on parallel lines in the same direction with a speed of 35 km per hour and 40 km per hour respectively. in what time will they pass each other?

1) 7.15 seconds
2) 8.03 seconds
3) 2.09 seconds
4) 10.15 seconds