MBA Exam

what is the remainder when 8^643 is divided by 132

1) 116
2) 117
3) 120
4) 109

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MBA Other Question

what are the last two digits of65 X 29 X 37 X 63 X 71X 87 X 85I know how to determine unit digit..but help me in this.i guess we have to divide this by 100 and then by applying remainder theorem we'll get the answer..i am successful in many cases but i just want to confirm if am right or not.Question is from book by Arun Sharma.answer of this is 54.

1) 54
2) 1
3) 2
4) 3
Rajesh started in his car from P towards town Q at 51km/hr. After every minute, the speed of his car increased by 1km/hr. The distance between P and Q is (3775/60)km. Find the time he would take to reach Q (in minutes).

1) 40
2) 45
3) 55
4) 50