MBA Exam

If the point (7, is the image of the point (75, 5 with respect to the line lx+my + n = 0,

1) 79/2219
2) 74/2219
3) 70/2219
4) 77/2219

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MBA Other Question

How many solutions does n2 - [n2] = (n - [n])2 have satisfying 1 ≤ n ≤ 5 where [n] denotes the greatest integer less than or equal to n?

1) 18
2) 21
3) 24
4) None of these
An examination consisted of 5 tests out of which 3 were Theory and 2 were Practical. Marks obtained by Ravi in the 5 tests were 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100. The average marks for Theory and Practical were the same. While calculating the ‘overall weighted average’ for the examination, the test with the maximum score among the Theory tests and the test with the minimum score among the Practical tests were given twice the weight as compared to others. The maximum ‘overall weighted average’ would be closest to

1) 60.00
2) 56.67
3) 62.86
4) 63.33
5) 66.67