MBA Exam

If x^2 * y^3 = 6 and x>0 the the max value of 3x+4y is Plz Post the approach

1) 5
2) 10
3) 7
4) 15
5) 2

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MBA Other Question

4 whole numbers are selected at random.They are multiplied.Find the probab that the product ends with 1,3,7 or 9

1) 16/625
2) 12/542
3) 13/625
4) 64/625
there are 3 sets of questions in a test.. part A has 80 qns, B and C 60 qns each.. for a correct ans in part A - 4 marks, B-3 marks, C-2 marks.. for a wrong ans(-ve mark) in part A- 2 marks, B-1.5 marks, C-1 mark. if a student has solved 100 questions exactly and scored 120 marks, the max no of incorrect qns that he might have marked is

1) 44
2) 56
3) 60