MBA Exam

On a board, the words 'TRIUMPHANT INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT EDUCATION' are flashed with neon lamps. All the five words are first switched on simultaneously and continue to flash indefinitely. While flashing, each of the five words is switched off for a period of exactly 5/2,17/4,19/6,1/6,1/8 seconds respectively before it is switched on again. If each of the five words is switched off exactly one second after it is switched on, how many times do all the five words flash together (for an entire second) in the first hour? 22 27 23 28 AIMCAT..koi please question explain karo...i cant even understand it..

1) a
2) b
3) c
4) d

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MBA Other Question

there are two numbers such that,if both of them are individually increased by 5 and then by the same percentage as they were increased in the first instance,each would result in 36.find the difference between the two number?pl. provide sol. also.

1) 23
2) 22
3) 20
4) 24
Three pyramid shaped dice, each having the faces numbered 1,2,3,4 were rolled simul. What is the prob that the sum of the numbers appearing at the bottom is atleast 8?

1) 35/64
2) 29/64
3) 1/2
4) None of these