TCS Company

Amongst Ram, Sham and Gobind are a doctor, a lawyer and a police officer. They are married to Radha, Gita and Sita (not in order). Each of the wives have a profession. Gobind’s wife is an artist. Ram is not married to Gita. The lawyer’s wife is a teacher. Radha is married to the police officer. Sita is an expert cook. Who’s who?

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TCS Other Question

The Director of Medical Services was on his annual visit to the ENT Hospital. While going through the out patients records he came across the following data for a particular day : "Ear consultations 45; Nose 50; Throat 70; Ear and Nose 30; Nose and Throat 20; Ear and Throat 30; Ear, Nose and Throat 10; Total patients 100." Then he came to the conclusion that the records were bogus. Was he right? Make six squares of the same size using twelve match-sticks. (Hint : You will need an adhesive to arrange the required figure)