Middle earth is a fictional land inhabited by hobbits, elves, dwarves and men. The hobbits and elves are peaceful creatures that prefer slow, silent lives and appreciate nature and art. The dwarves and the men engage in physical games. The game is as follows. A tournament is one where out of the two teams that play a match, the one that loses get eliminated. The matches are played in different rounds, where in every round; half of the teams get eliminated from the tournament. If there are 8 rounds played in knock out tournament, how many matches were played?
a) 257
b) 256
c) 72
d) 255
Read Solution (Total 6)
- ans === 2^8 - 1 coz aftr 8 th round 1 team left as winner......... :P
- 13 years agoHelpfull: Yes(5) No(0)
- The number of teams for 8 rounds is:
Thus initially ter wer 256 teams.
But wat is askd is the numbr of matches that were played to reach the winner.
The number of matches for 8 rounds is:
128+64+32+16+8+4+2+1=255 ans - 14 years agoHelpfull: Yes(4) No(0)
8th rouund no of teams=2 4 no of matches=1 no of winner=1
7th rouund no of teams=4 4 no of matches=2 no of winner=2
6th rouund no of teams=8 no of matches=4 no of winner=4
5th rouund no of teams=16 no of matches=8 no of winner=8
4th rouund no of teams=32 no of matches=16 no of winner=16
3th rouund no of teams=64 no of matches=32 no of winner=32
2nd rouund no of teams=128 no of matches=64 no of winner=64
1st rouund no of teams=256 no of matches=128 no of winner=128
So total 128+64+32+16+8+4+2+1=255- 14 years agoHelpfull: Yes(4) No(0)
- 8 rouds were played to get a winner team
means in 8th round we have 2 teams out of which one is winner
same way in 7th round we have 4 teams out of which 2 were winner
same way in 6th round we have 8 teams out of which 4 were winner
same way in 5th round we have 16 teams out of which 8 were winner
same way in 4th round we have 32 teams out of which 16 were winner
same way in 3th round we have 64 teams out of which 32 were winner
same way in 2nd round we have 128 teams out of which 64 were winner
same way in 1st round we have 256 teams out of which 128 were winner
so in first round we h - 14 years agoHelpfull: Yes(3) No(0)
- as there are 8 rounds,Initially there were 256 teams.
So the no.of matches played =256/2 + 128/2 + 64/2 + 32/2 +16/2 + 8/2 + 4/2 + 2/2 =255. - 13 years agoHelpfull: Yes(1) No(0)
- as there are 8 rounds,Initially there were 256 teams.
So the no.of matches played =256/2 + 128/2 + 64/2 + 32/2 +16/2 + 8/2 + 4/2 + 2/2 =255 - 13 years agoHelpfull: Yes(1) No(0)
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