MBA Exam

a rectangular office has its area equal to 56 sqm. what is the minimum no. of tiles required. if all the tiles are in square shape??

1) 12
2) 13
3) 14
4) 15

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MBA Other Question

What is the maximum value of z = 21x1 + 15x2 satisfying the following conditions?

1) 93
2) 87
3) 63
4) 61.2
5) 45
A shopkeeper normally makes a profit of a certain transaction,he weighed 900 gm instead of 1 kg without his knowledge due to an error in the weighing scale.if he charges 20% less than what he normally charges,what is his actual profit or loss percentage?pl. provide sol.

1) 6 2/3% profit
2) 6 2/3% loss
3) 10% loss
4) 10% profit