AIEEE Exam Logical Reasoning

p(x)= 1 + x + x^2 +x^3 + x^4 + x^5. what is the reminder when p(x^12) is divided by p(x)?

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AIEEE Other Question

Which of the given function prototypes can be considered to be overloaded (no ambiguity)?
A: function my Func(integer Num, float me) // does not return anything
B: function my Func(integer Num, double me) // does not return anything
C: function my Func(character Num, float me) // does not return anything
D: function my Func(integer Num, float me) // returns an integer

a. A and B
b. A, B and C c. A, C and D d. B, C, and D e. B and D
Some Necklaces are Bangles.
All Bangles are Ornaments.
Some Ornaments are Treasures.
No Treasure is a Picture.
All colours are Pictures.
Some pictures are necklaces.

1). I. all treasures if they are Bangles, they are also necessarily Ornaments.
II. All necklaces if they are colours, they are also necessarily pictures.

2). I. All ornaents which are necklaces are necessarily Bangles.
II. no colour is treasure.

3). I. some colour are necklaces.
II. some ornaments are necklaces.

4) I. some treasures are not bangles.
II. some treasures that are bangles are also necklaces.
A. if only I follows.
B. if only II follows.
C. if either I or II follows.
D. if neither I nor II follow.
E. if both I and II follow