121 is a palindrome. Find the number of palindromes between 1,000,000 and 9,999,999 which when divided by 4 leave 1 as the remainder. 1) 62500 2) 2500 3) 2250 4) none
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MBA Other Question
An intelligence agency decides on a code of 2 digits selected from 0,1,2....,9. But the slip on which the code is hand written allows confusion between top and bottom, because these are indistinguishable. Thus, for eg., the code 91 could be confused with 16. How many codes are there such that there is no possibility of any confusion? 1) 25 2) 75 3) 80 4) None of these
Ramesh asked each of his friends to think of a natural number which is a perfect square and then convert it to a number system to the base of any natural number of their choice, where the base is not more than 9. Ramesh later observed that though no two of his friends took the same base all the friends ended up with the same result 12321. Find maximum possible number of friends whom Ramesh asked the question. 1) 3 2) 8 3) 7 4) 6