MBA Exam

Let g(y) = p*y^2 + q*y + r, where p,q,r are constants, p not equal to 0, and 3*g(8) = -4*g(2). The roots of g(y)=0 are 6 and m. Find m. Please explain the solution.

1) -0.8
2) -1.6
3) -2.4
4) -3.2
5) Cannot be determined.

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MBA Other Question

x+y+z = 72, Find no of (x,y,z) Condition x > y > z . x,y,z are whole nos.Plz explain the soln..... Dont have the ans!!

How many different arrangements can be made out of the letters in the expression x^2y^4z^3 when written at full length ?

1) 720
2) 1440
3) 1360
4) 1260