MBA Exam

Range= {1,2,3,......,100}How many isosceles triangle r possible in this range?options nahi OA nahi..pls post ur answer with xplanatn

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MBA Other Question

A person cover distance of 96 km two hours faster than he planned to . This he achieved by travelling 1 km more every hour than he intended to cover in 1 hour 15 min . what was the speed at which he travelled during the journey ?Plz share the approach ..!!!

1) 16 km/hr
2) 26 km/hr
3) 36 km/hr
4) 30 km/hr
Find the number of positive integral solution of the inequality 3x+y+z <=30.

1) 1512
2) 1215
3) 901
4) 904
5) can't be determined