MBA Exam

Anwar bought a computer worth Rs 30,860. He made a down payment of Rs 21,000 and remaining amount, he paid back from his credit card in 4 equal installments at the rate of 12.5% compound interest. What is the value of each installment?Lucid and precise Explanation of concept please

1) 2465
2) 2980
3) 3280.5
4) 2773.125

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MBA Other Question

What is the sum of all odd number less than 1000 that can be formed using the digits 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 repetitions being allowed?

1) 2666640
2) 2599980
3) 7109
4) 11100
In an exam 7 subjects were there-1. max marks in each =1002. I got average of 48 in 3 subjects with maximum marks =64 in one of these 3.3. Pass marks in any subject =354. I got 40% overallwhat is the min number of subject I can fail?

1) 1
2) 2
3) 0
4) not