MBA Exam

Find the real solutions to x, y & z if :log10(2000xy) - log10x log10y = 4,log10(2yz) - log10y log10z = 1,log10zx - log10z log10x = 0.

1) (1, 5, 1), (100, 20, 100)
2) (10, 4, 3), (100, 20, 100)
3) (1, 5, 1), (120, 25, 120)
4) None of these

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MBA Other Question

People are sitting in theater
watching a movie. The row they are in contains several seats. After
intermission, they all return to the same row but choose their seats randomly.
What is the probability that neither of the two people sitting in the two seats
were previously sitting in an aisle seat?

1) 1
2) 0
3) 17/21
4) 13/21
ABC is a right angled triangle. The coordinates of A,B,C are (0,0) (10,10) and (-10,10).How many points on/inside the triangle have integer coordinates?

1) 121
2) 169
3) 256
4) 196