IBM Company Verbal Ability Antonyms

1) Can we use "Hi" (salutation), in Business letters or emails yes/no.
Ans) NO
2) Enclosures(3) Meaning 3 attachments are there in addition to the letter. true or false?
Ans) True
Q. What does sexist language means?
(A) Language indicating towards woman.
(B) Information conveyed as being a male.
(C) language indicating difference between man and woman.
Ans) c
3) How to end business letter
a- Regards
b- Sincerely
c- Respectfully
- a & c
Ans) a
4) Which is in the correct sense?
(A) This child, who was misdiagnosed, thrive by spirit.
(B) This child, who was misdiagnosed, thrives by spirit.
(C) This child, who was misdiagnosed, thrived by spirit.
Ans) B
5) Ranny was with sally and me.
Ranny was with sally and I.
Ranny was with me and Sally.
Ans) Ranny was with sally and me.
6) It is a breach of etiquette to have documents signed by administrative assistant on behalf of administrative officer. (T/F)
7) Which of the following will you choose for a short notice to change the lunch hours?
1) Specific details.
2) Context and problem.
3) Regarding lunch hours.
4) All the above.
8) Kelly is a good babysitter. Qualified, professional and fun
1) Dangling modifier.
2) Run on sentence.
3) A sentence fragment.
Ans) 3
9) Is it necessary to include a table of contents regardless of the size of the document. true or false?
Ans) false
10) Name is Roger Smith, who is also the president. What is the proper salutation?
1- Dear Mr. Roger Smith:
2- Dear Mr. Roger:
3- Dear Mr. Smith:
4- Dear President Smith:
11) The coachy my best friend play with me everyday. Write the sentence using comma at appropriate position
Ans) The coachy,my best friend,play with me every day.
12) In formal letter for better understanding
1. Repeat ideas with picture and all.
2. Repeat important ideas.
3. Refrain from repeating ideas.
4. One and two.
Ans) 3
13) In formal email personal introduction should be done.
1. After the body of letter.
2. Within body of letter.
3. At the start of body of letter.
Ans) 3
14) The question below consists of a pair of related words followed by four pair of words. Select the pair that best express the relation in the original pair: Deprecate: Credit
a. enhance: disparage
b. bait: heckle
c. unfair: biased
d. discourage: force
Ans) a
15) Sign by blue ink is authentic if done by blue ink TRUE or FALSE
Ans) False
16) Which is the correct use of pronoun?
(a) Each executive.
(b) Few Of the executive.
(c) One Of the Executive.
(d) All Of the above.
Ans) a
17) Which is correct?
(a) Dear President Smith;
(b) Dear Mr Smith;
(c) Dear Mr Smith:
Ans) c
18) In formal document prepared for meeting should contain
1. Purpose of document.
2. User exception from the document.
3. Brief details n content about document .
4. All of these.
Ans) 3
19) Correct form of English:
a) Samuel was with Susan and I
b) Samuel was with Susan and me
c) Samuel was with I and Susan
d) Samuel was with me and Susan
e) None of these
Ans) b
20) Find the active voice sentence below.
1) The car has driven by him.
2) He cleaned the car.
3) It will be more complex algorithm.
Ans) 3
21 ) Is that emotions used in formal emails?

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