ACIO Exam Numerical Ability Averages

Average of 5 number is 12. If four of the numbers are 19, 16, 13 & 9, then 5th number will be

1) 1
2) 3
3) 5
4) 6
5) 8
6) 9
7) 10
8) 12
9) 13

Read Solution (Total 9)

ACIO Other Question

4. A boy is facing North-West.He turns 85degree in the anticlockwise direction and then 50degree in the same direction.Which direction is he facing now?
a.South-west b.South-east c.South d.North

4. A boy is facing North-West.He turns 85degree in the anticlockwise direction and then 50degree in the same direction.Which direction is he facing now?
a.South-west b.South-east c.South d.North