GRE Exam Verbal Ability One Word Substitution

This filmmaker is not outspoken on political matters: her films are known for their aesthetic qualities rather than for their ……………… ones.
(A) polemical
(B) cinematic
(C) narrative
(D) commercial
(E) dramatic

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GRE Other Question

James Boswell’s Life of Samuel Johnson is generally thought to have established Boswell as the first great modern biographer; yet the claim of …………………. could be made for Johnson himself as author of a life of Richard Savage.
(A) partisanship
(B) omniscience
(C) precedence
(D) opportunism
(E) perseverance
Question is based on this passage.
Recently an unusually high number of dolphins have been found dead of infectious diseases, and most of these had abnormally high tissue concentrations of certain compounds that, even in low concentrations, reduce dolphins’ resistance to infection. The only source of these compounds in the dolphins’ environment is boat paint. Therefore, since dolphins rid their bodies of the compounds rapidly
once exposure ceases, their mortality rate should decline rapidly if such boat paints are banned.

Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?
(A) The levels of the compounds typically used in boat paints today are lower than they were in boat paints manufactured a decade ago.
(B) In high concentrations, the compounds are toxic to many types of marine animals.
(C) The compounds break down into harmless substances after a few months of exposure to water or air.
(D) High tissue levels of the compounds have recently been found in some marine animals, but there is no record of any of those animals dying in unusually large numbers recently.
(E) The compounds do not leach out of the boat paint if the paint is applied exactly in accordance with the manufacturer’s directions.