GRE Exam Verbal Ability Sentence Completion

Most spacecraft are still at little risk of collision with space debris during their operational lifetimes, but given the numbers of new satellites launched each year, the orbital environment in the future is likely to be less ……………………...
(A) crowded
(B) invulnerable
(C) protected
(D) polluted
(E) benign

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GRE Other Question

The author presents the life of Zane Grey with ………………………….. unusual in a biographer: he is not even convinced that Grey was a good writer.
(A) a zeal
(B) a deftness
(C) a detachment
(D) an eloquence
(E) an imaginativeness
Many find it strange that her writing is thought to be tortuous; her recent essays, although longer than most of her earlier essays, are extremely …………………....
(A) painstaking
(B) tedious
(C) insightful
(D) sophisticated
(E) clear